Monday, March 16, 2009

Having great time with fitness column

Most of you know I've started writing a San Jose Fitness column on So far it has been terrific.

If you ever want to experience local - at a very real level - write a column that attempts to gather together information from a community as diverse as the Silicon Valley fitness community. There's Bollywood dancing, Zumba, and ballroom dancing. Hikes for seniors, skipping classes for toddlers (yup, learning to skip), and YMCA swim lessons.

With the slow, painful deterioration of our local newspaper there really is no central place for organizations, clubs, cities, etc to promote their various fitness offerings. So far I've discovered dozens of great events - from the Big Bunny Fun Run in Cupertino to the Healthy Trails challenge offered by Santa Clara County.

There are also thousands of fitness classes, boot camps, training activities and events.

The downside is marketing it. The Examiner does virtually no marketing for anything outside of San Francisco. To top it off, the column has an awful URL that pretty much guarantees no one will be able to remember it:

People can go to, type San Jose Fitness in the Search box, and come up the column, but that's awkward too. I'm mostly left to beg everyone to sign up for the column to be emailed to them. My hope is that my very smart friends, once exposed to what I'm trying to do, will be able to offer me good advice about what makes useful and marketable articles.

So if I haven't written and begged you so far, I will be soon. Go ahead. Beat me to the punch and sign up now.

And if you have marketing ideas, I'm listening.

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