Sunday, August 24, 2008

Local Media a Hit for Web Advertising

Like many local business owners, you're probably confused as to where to advertise on the get all this advice, and it all sounds like a lot of time, money, experimentation, and work.

OK, so it's true -- a lot of opportunity is out there. But here's a report that provides good data to review: Titled, "Local Online Media: From Advertising to Action"

It's the overview of a study conducted by the Online Publishers Association with Jupiter Research and released this month. And it turns out that what those online newspaper reps have been telling you is true. Here are some of the key findings:
  • Visitors to local media sites –online newspapers, TV and magazines -are more likely than visitors to other sites to take action after seeing local ads: from making purchases to visiting sites and stores
    •Local media sites attract valuable audiences who spend more money online than visitors to other local sites
    •Local newspaper and TV sites lead all others in advertising trust
    •Local content sites attract a high number of influencers –the first person others come to for local recommendations

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Lovin' the Intuit Jingle Generator

Thank you Intuit Quickbooks!

You have come up with a number of rockin' promotions for small businesses in the past, and your new Jingle Generator for small businesses - featuring Tommy Silk helping businesses create a song that uses the business name and information - is very fun. (well, it is just the smallest amount annoying - it would be better if the jingle and the spiel before creating it was just a bit shorter)

Ok, so a business may not buy TV time to feature it, but I say it's a viral idea that will get some play as businesses put the jingle up on blogs and web pages.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

SEO and Local Newspapers

Andrew Shotland, one of the SEO gurus I greatly admire, has two posts I especially enjoyed today - one had to do with local newspapers, and one -- fanciful and fun -- was a call to his readers to help him rank higher in Google when someone searches for "Andrew."

Seriously, he's always worth reading anyway, so check out Local SEO Guide

How Well Do You REALLY Know The Newspaper Industry?

How Well Do You REALLY Know The Newspaper Industry?

Editor & Publisher reprints economist Robert Picard's test about the economics of the newspaper industry- and since everyone who has a stake in local marketing has some interest in newspapers, I wanted to pass it on here.

Think you know what to expect? Here are 3 of the 10 questions.

1. The average newspaper circulation is about(a) 150,000(b) 110,000(c) 85,000(d) 50,000(e) 35,000.

2. Newspaper penetration per population(a) Has remained relatively stable(b) Dropped suddenly in after 2000(c) Dropped suddenly in the mid 1990s(d) Began declining steadily beginning in 1980s (e) Has declined at a steady pace for 50 years

3. Newspaper advertising income reached an all time high of $49.3 billion in(a) 2006(b) 1999(c) 1993(d) 1989(e) 1984