Monday, October 13, 2008

Online Ad Design for Radio & TV Advertisers

The partnership between 2AdPro and MediaSpan was announced* today - (*Full client disclosure is due here: I worked on this announcement, but that isn't the only reason why I like this partnership.)

2AdPro and MediaSpan Enable Radio and Television Stations to Create Custom Online Display Advertising for Local Advertisers

It's good news for small business and here's why:

  1. It's a benefit to local advertisers to have as many ways as possible to get an online presence.
  2. Not every small business wants to go the route of self-service search advertising, but hiring a designer is costly.
  3. This has left a lot of small advertisers scrambling to find low-cost online display ad creations.
  4. The ability to work with the local radio or tv station (with whom many small advertisers have an existing relationship) opens up a lot of opportunities.
Anything that opens up online advertising - inexpensively and professionally - is a good thing.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Customer Surveys

I love 'em for the most part, but have seen mega-abuse among marketing consultants who recommend surveys to small business clients. Problem is, most people don't really understand the number of ways that results can be skewed.

Here's a post, The Art of Customer Surveys, from Guy Kawasake that pretty much says why customer surveys s*ck, and the one question that can summarize everything you need to know when you do s survey. This is one blog post I'm going to recommend every client reads before (s)he consents to a survey.