Saturday, September 29, 2007

Culture Hard-Wires Your Brain and A Look at Generational Recruiting

Some notes on interesting blog pick-ups:

Matthew Busse, a PhD researcher turned science writer, has an ecclectic blog titled Musings on Science that has nothing to do with local, but is filled with science-made-understandable entries. A recent post talked about an article in Scientific American Mind, The Hidden Power of Culture, in which "A study done at the University of Illinois suggests that the culture you grow up in affects the way your brain is wired. It’s not just behavior that culture influences, but also the way your brain processes information." Cool stuff.

Another interesting pick up comes from Job Search Marketing the always entertaining blog about recruitment issues by Matt Martone, in his coverage of the recent OnRec (that's Online Recruiting) Conference. He points to a series of reports Deloitte makes available about generational issues in recruiting. He also gives a good overview of the conference and issues surrounding online recruitment.

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