Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Marketing Your Business by Doing Good

This past weekend The Bivings Group launched a site for Living Conversations, an organization for breast cancer survivors. I follow their Bivings Report blog about online media and until this weekend hadn't noticed they also offer web development. I'll bet others noticed their capabilities for the first time as well.

The site, according Todd Zeigler, senior vp for the Bivings Group, was a combo paid/philanthropic project. They dropped their normal rates "significantly because we thought the site was a great idea."

Their blog post gave a look under the hood which was especially interesting. I like that others can learn something from their work.

The site isn't perfect - for instance, I couldn't find a way to contact the founder for comment without registering, which I didn't want to do. But it's a great beginning with a lot of functionality, and instead of mystifying the process (which, face it, too many consultants do) the Bivings team makes the process seem practical for other non-profits and small businesses.

My vote: good marketing for client and consultant, and an example of how companies can support non-profits while showing off their capabilities.

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